
Showing posts from October, 2019

AR Sandbox Part 7: Sandbox Parts

All of the parts for the physical sandbox are available at home depot. With my design, the sandbox itself cost about $217. The parts are as follows: 5x5 drop cloth Gusset angle reinforcements 4 Swivel casters (wheels) box of 9x2.5 screws box of 5/16x4 screws 2 1/2 inch wing nuts 2 1/2 inch washers 2 1/2 inch 18 inch long carriage bolts Wood Parts: 4x4 ft 23/32 plywood sheet (cut to 30x40) 2 12 ft 4x4 beams Cuts: 4x 26 in 1x 70 in 1x 42 in 4 10 ft 1x10 planks Cuts: 2x 32 in 2x 49 in 2x 30 in 2x 40 in 2x 20 in 2x 15 in I had all of the wood cut at Home Depot, which made the construction of the device a lot easier. -------------------------- Here is the exact receipt with part numbers: 047034855152 DROP CLOTH A 8.44 5 X5 EASY DROP CLOTH 8 OZ 044315435607 GUSSET ANGLE GA2 3 1/4" X 1 1/4 GUSSET ANGLE 4@0.98 3.92 039003495094 CASTER A CASTER RUBBER 2" SWIVEL W BRAKE 4@3.98 15.92 628611122258 RASALA> 22.98 GRK RSS, 5/16)X4...

Sandbox Part 6: Sandbox Design

Before I was going to be able to build anything, I was going to have to make a design. I did this in tinkercad, drawing inspiration from a few online tutorials. The design plan was as follows: 1) Sandbox area should be around 30 by 40 inches. 2) Projector and kinect must be elevated 40 inches. 3) Kinect must be centered over the sandbox. 4) Should be able to fit through most doorways. 5) Should be mobile. 6) Needs to be usable by people of all heights. 7) Needs to be strong enough to support 200 lbs of sand. For the design, I planned to use a piece of plywood for the base, and 1 X 10 planks for the walls, projector mount, and structural support. To hold the plywood sheet up, and make it load bearing, 2 pieces of 1X10 were braced vertically under the bottom of the sandbox. Finally, 4X4 beams were used for the legs and projector boom, as well as one on the bottom to aid in the stability of the projector. The legs are placed on the narrow side of the sandbox to make it fit ...

Sandbox Part 5: Software

Using linux command line to download software After the linux system was up and ready, it was time to start downloading the software for the sandbox. Now normally, the massive number of software packages and whatnot would be a huge pain to deal with, but, thanks to System76 and the linux command line, this was made a whole lot easier.  to download the files I needed, I simply had to enter instructions to the command line, and the software would download by itself. Here is the command: sudo add-apt-repository -ys ppa:system76-dev/weekend-project sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install arsandbox This would prompt it to ask you some information, which could be gained by entering: whoami Finally, I had to add myself to the vrui-grp group by entering (with username replaced with the info gained through whoami): sudo adduser  USERNAME  vrui-grp   This finished the software download I needed to do while I waited for parts to arrive. The next step...

Sandbox Part 4: Linux

The sandbox software packages that I will need to use all run on the linux OS. However, in case I ever wanted to repurpose the computer to do something else, I wanted to preserve the Windows OS already installed on the machine. Because of this need, and the two drives that I had available, I decided I would dual-boot linux and windows, one on each drive. This ended up being marginally more difficult than expected, but mainly due to my own error. I opted to use Ubuntu linux for this project, as it is the distribution I am most familiar with. This normally involves the fairly simple procedure of downloading the linux .iso file, and then using a digital tool to install it to a drive partition. After that, the computer needs to be restarted. On bootup, the user presses the delete key to open the boot menu, switches the primary boot drive from the Windows one to the Linux one, and then the computer will boot up into linux, where the OS can be set up. To Assist me, I used a ...