Sandbox Part 5: Software

Using linux command line to download software
After the linux system was up and ready, it was time to start downloading the software for the sandbox. Now normally, the massive number of software packages and whatnot would be a huge pain to deal with, but, thanks to System76 and the linux command line, this was made a whole lot easier.  to download the files I needed, I simply had to enter instructions to the command line, and the software would download by itself. Here is the command:

sudo add-apt-repository -ys ppa:system76-dev/weekend-project
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install arsandbox
This would prompt it to ask you some information, which could be gained by entering:


Finally, I had to add myself to the vrui-grp group by entering (with username replaced with the info gained through whoami):

sudo adduser USERNAME vrui-grp 

This finished the software download I needed to do while I waited for parts to arrive. The next step would be to build the sandbox itself. 


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