Now that both the PC and the sandbox themselves were functioning, it was time to bring them together! As you can see, the kinect and software were synergizing well, and were able to generate a 3d model of the topography of the box. After more calibration, the projector was keyed in, and the system was able to make topographic projections onto the sand. But there was a problem. The frame rate was so incredibly poor, that you could not actually determine if the sand was adjusting to the right level. Water simulation was also proving to be impossible. After hours of command line performance troubleshooting outside in freezing temperatures, I decided that it was time to try a different brand of GPU. Around this time I also began to run into issues with he motherboard I was using. The computer would fail to turn on on occasion, which was likely due to a faulty motherboard, as adjusting capacitors often fixed it. Based on this, I elected to rebuild the computer again with a new GPU and ...