Sandbox Part 2: Computer build

 The first step of the build was to remove the components from the old case. This involved removing the motherboard, the drives, the power button, and unplugging cables. They all had to be removed due to the size of the GPU, which was far too large to fit into the old case.

Here is the motherboard post removal, with the cpu heatsink and gpu removed. Because the heatsink was attached to the case, it fell right off when I removed the motherboard. I needed to find a new way to attach it later. This was fine for the time being, as new thermal paste needed to be applied anyway.

Once the old GPU was removed, I was able to put the new one into the PCIE slot. I also hooked up the power supply in order to test its fit with the motherboard. Unfortunately, it did not fit. The optiplex 980, as it turns out, uses a proprietary power connector for the motherboard. The build had to wait until my next set of parts could be acquired.

After buying the connector I needed online, and getting a project board, the nuts for the bottom of the CPU, and some standoffs, I was ready to finish the (unoptimized) PC. I applied new thermal paste to the CPU, and attached the heatsink, using the nuts as a replacement for the screw holes bored in the old case. I then attached the motherboard down to the wood board, with standoffs elevating it to allow some ari underneath the motherboard, and to avoid stressing it. For the time being, I clamped the power supply down to the board. Finally, I attached the drive bay to the board, as well as the power button. Finally, it was time to boot it up.


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